Network Plugins For Kubernetes



  • A Kubernetes cluster up and running.
  • kubectl installed on your local machine.

Step 1: Understand Kubernetes Networking Model Before we dive into network plugins for Kubernetes, it's important to have a basic understanding of the Kubernetes networking model. In Kubernetes, every pod gets its own IP address, which is used to communicate with other pods and services within the cluster. Each node in the cluster has a unique IP address, and traffic is routed between pods using a virtual network.

Step 2: Install a Network Plugin To install a network plugin for Kubernetes, we'll use kubectl to create a ConfigMap that defines the plugin's configuration. Let's take Flannel as an example:

First, create a YAML file for the ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1

kind: ConfigMap


  name: kube-flannel-cfg

  namespace: kube-system


  cni-conf.json: |


        "name": "cbr0",

        "cniVersion": "0.3.1",

        "plugins": [


                "type": "flannel",

                "delegate": {

                    "hairpinMode": true,

                    "isDefaultGateway": true




                "type": "portmap",

                "capabilities": {

                    "portMappings": true





This YAML file creates a ConfigMap named kube-flannel-cfg in the kube-system namespace. The ConfigMap defines a CNI configuration file for Flannel, which includes two plugins: flannel and portmap.

Next, use kubectl to create the ConfigMap:

                    kubectl create -f flannel-config.yaml

This will create the ConfigMap and configure Flannel as the network plugin for Kubernetes.

Step 3: Verify Network Plugin Installation To verify that the network plugin is installed and working properly, you can create a sample pod and test its connectivity.

First, create a YAML file for a simple pod:

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: test-pod



  - name: test-container

    image: busybox

    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "while true; do sleep 3600; done"]

This YAML file creates a pod named test-pod with a single container running the BusyBox image.

Next, use kubectl to create the pod:


                    kubectl create -f test-pod.yaml

Once the pod is created, you can use kubectl to get the pod's IP address:

                    kubectl get pod test-pod -o wide

This will output the pod's IP address, which should be in the same range as the IP addresses of other pods in the cluster.

Finally, you can test the connectivity of the pod by using kubectl to run a command inside the container:

kubectl exec -it test-pod -- ping <ip-address-of-another-pod>

This will run the ping command inside the test-container and test its connectivity to another pod in the cluster.

Step 4: Explore Other Network Plugins Flannel is just one example of a network plugin for Kubernetes. There are many other plugins available that provide different features and capabilities. Some popular plugins include Calico, Weave Net, Cilium, Antrea, Multus, and Contiv.

To explore these plugins, you can follow similar steps to install and test them. Each plugin has its own installation and configuration instructions, so be sure to consult the documentation for each.

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