How to Count the Number of Documents in a MongoDB Collection

To count the number of documents in a MongoDB collection using commands in the MongoDB shell, you can use the count() method provided by the shell. Here's an example:

  1. Open the MongoDB shell by running the mongo command in your terminal.
  2. Switch to the database that contains the collection you want to count using the use command. For example, use myDatabase.
  3. Use the db.<collection>.count() command to count the number of documents in the collection. Replace <collection> with the name of your collection. For example, db.myCollection.count().

Here's an example of the full sequence of commands to count the number of documents in a collection called "myCollection" in a database called "myDatabase":

mongo                 // start the MongoDB shell

use myDatabase        // switch to the myDatabase database

db.myCollection.count()  //count the number of documents in the myCollection collection

After running the last command, the shell will return a number indicating the total number of documents in the collection.


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