Running Hadoop on Ubuntu Linux (Multi-Node Cluster)

From single-node clusters to a multi-node cluster

We will build a multi-node cluster merge two or more single-node clusters into one multi-node cluster in which one Ubuntu box will become the designated master but also act as a slave , and the other box will become only a slave.
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System


Configuring single-node clusters first,here we have used two single node clusters. Shutdown each single-node cluster with the following command
user@ubuntu:~$  bin/


  • The easiest is to put both machines in the same network with regard to hardware and software configuration.
  • Update /etc/hosts on both machines .Put the alias to the ip addresses of all the machines. Here we are creating a cluster of 2 machines , one is master and other is slave 1
    hduser@master:$  cd /etc/hosts
  • Add the following lines for two node cluster    master  (IP address of the master node)    slave1   (IP address of the slave node)
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System

SSH access

The hduser user on the master (aka hduser@master) must be able to connect:
  1. to its own user account on the master - i.e. ssh master in this context.
  2. to the hduser user account on the slave (i.e. hduser@slave1) via a password-less SSH login.
  • Add the hduser@master public SSH key using the following command
    hduser@master:~$  ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/ hduser@slave1
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
  • Connect with user hduser from the master to the user account hduser on the slave.
  1. From master to master
    hduser@master:~$  ssh master
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
  1. From master to slave
    hduser@master:~$  ssh slave1
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System


Cluster Overview

This will describe how to configure one Ubuntu box as a master node and the other Ubuntu box as a slave node.


The machine on which bin/ is running will become the primary NameNode. This file should be updated on all the nodes. Open the masters file in the conf directory
hduser@master/slave :~$ /usr/local/hadoop/conf
hduser@master/slave :~$ sudo gedit masters
Add the following line
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
This file should be updated on all the nodes as master is also a slave. Open the slaves file in the conf directory
hduser@master/slave:~/usr/local/hadoop/conf$ sudo gedit slaves
Add the following lines
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
conf/*-site.xml (all machines)
Open this file in the conf directory
hduser@master:~/usr/local/hadoop/conf$ sudo gedit core-site.xml
Change the parameter (in conf/core-site.xml), which specifies the NameNode (the HDFS master) host and port.
conf/core-site.xml (ALL machines .ie. Master as well as slave)
    <description>The name of the default file system.  A URI whose
    scheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation.  The
    uri's scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl) naming
    the FileSystem implementation class.  The uri's authority is used to
    determine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem.</description>
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
Open this file in the conf directory
hduser@master:~$  /usr/local/hadoop/conf
hduser@master:~$  sudo gedit mapred-site.xml
Change the mapred.job.tracker parameter (in conf/mapred-site.xml), which specifies the JobTracker (MapReduce master) host and port.
conf/mapred-site.xml (ALL machines)
    <description>The host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs
    at.  If "local", then jobs are run in-process as a single map
    and reduce task.
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
Open this file in the conf directory
hduser@master:~$  /usr/local/hadoop/conf
hduser@master:~$  sudo gedit hdfs-site.xml
Change the dfs.replication parameter (in conf/hdfs-site.xml) which specifies the default block replication. We have two nodes available, so we set dfs.replication to 2.
conf/hdfs-site.xml (ALL machines)
Changes to be made
<description>Default block replication.
    The actual number of replications can be specified when the file is created.
    The default is used if replication is not specified in create time.
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System

Formatting the HDFS filesystem via the NameNode

Format the cluster’s HDFS file system
hduser@master:~/usr/local/hadoop$ bin/hadoop namenode -format
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System

Starting the multi-node cluster

Starting the cluster is performed in two steps.
  1. We begin with starting the HDFS daemons: the NameNode daemon is started on master, and DataNode daemons are started on all slaves (here: master and slave).
  2. Then we start the MapReduce daemons: the JobTracker is started on master, and TaskTracker daemons are started on all slaves (here: master and slave).
Cluster is started by running the commnd on master
hduser@master:~$   /usr/local/hadoop
hduser@master:~$   bin/
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
By this command:
  • The NameNode daemon is started on master, and DataNode daemons are started on all slaves (here: master and slave).
  • The JobTracker is started on master, and TaskTracker daemons are started on all slaves (here: master and slave)
To check the daemons running , run the following commands
hduser@master:~$  jps
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
On slave, datanode and jobtracker should run.
hduser@slave:~/usr/local/hadoop$ jps
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System

Stopping the multi-node cluster

To stop the multinode cluster , run the following command on master pc
hduser@master:~$ cd /usr/local/hadoop
hduser@master:~/usr/local/hadoop$ bin/
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
  1. Number of slaves = Number of replications in hdfs-site.xml
    also number of slaves = all slaves + master(if master is also considered to be a slave)
  2. When you start the cluster, clear the tmp directory on all the nodes (master+slaves) using the following command
    hduser@master:~$   rm -Rf /app/hadoop/tmp/*
  3. Configuration of /etc/hosts , masters and slaves files on both the masters and the slaves nodes should be the same.
  4. If namenode is not getting started run the following commands:
    • To give all permissions of hadoop folder to hduser
      hduser@master:~$  sudo chmod -R 777 /app/hadoop
    • This command deletes the junk files which gets stored in tmp folder of hadoop
      hduser@master:~$  sudo rm -Rf /app/hadoop/tmp/*
Use case diagram of the Ticketing System
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