عرض المشاركات من يوليو, ٢٠١٣

How to transfer data between different HDFS clusters

How to Transfer Data Between Different HDFS Clusters with Examples Transf…

Copying between two clusters that are running different versions of Hadoop

While copying between two clusters that are running different versions of Hado…

Hadoop Hive Sample Reports with iReport

These sample reports are available to help users who are new to Jaspersof…


Hadoop-LZO is a project to bring splittable LZO compression to Hadoop. LZO i…

Performance tuning of hive queries

Hive performance optimization is a larger topic on its own and is very spec…

How to recover deleted files from hdfs/ Enable trash in hdfs

If you enable thrash in hdfs, when an rmr is issued the file will be still ava…

Hive Hbase integration/ Hive HbaseHandler : Common issues and resolution

It is common that when we try out hive hbase integration it leads to lo…

Query Hbase tables using hive / Mount an Hbase table into hive

To query HBase tables using Hive, you first need to create a Hive external ta…

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