Showing posts from 2014

Issues & Solution : HDFS High Availability for Hadoop 2.X

Here I have discussed few error / issues during the Hadoop …

Hadoop High Availability - Daemons overview

Discussed few concept which I came across setting up Hadoop Cluster High …

Headroom Miscalculation can lead to Deadlock in Hadoop Two

What is headroom? It is defined as " the maxim…

How to configure Hadoop HA for a running hadoop two cluster

Sometimes, we need to add HA to a running cluster. Ta…

How to configure replication factor and block size for HDFS?

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) stores files as data blocks and distr…

Hadoop Solr Tutorial - Installtion and Configuration

Apache Solr is an open source text search server. It is based on the Apache L…

Understanding Sorting and Joining in Hive: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Hive is a data warehousing tool built on top of Hadoop that provides an SQL-lik…

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